Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Poissonsexe (2019)

Original title: poissonsexe
Production: Belgium, France|88 min
Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie Poissonsexe
daniel, a biologist studying the disappearance of fish, is haunted by paternity. it is by looking for a woman who could be the mother of his children that he will come across a strange fish and discover what he really lacks: love.

Festivals and awards


Olivier Babinetregista

Production and Screenplay

Olivier Babinetsceneggiatore
Olivier Babinetscrittore
Philippe Logieproduttore
Joseph Rouschopproduttore
Masa Sawadaproduttore
Karim Champroduttore esecutivo
Anne Pernod-sawadaproduttore
David Elkaïmsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters


Technical staff

Timo Salminendirettore della fotografia
Sylvie Lagermontatore
Albertine Lasteramontatore
Pierre Pellscenografo
Isabelle Devinckmontatore
Laetitia Billetruccatore
Frédéric Cambiercostumista
Soone Hoangcasting
Fouzia Harlemanparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing