Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Pollyanna (1920)

Original title: pollyanna
Production: USA|58 min| black and white| mute
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie Pollyanna
an orphan's optimistic outlook brings a change to the ill-tempered town in which she resides to her aunt.

Origin of the subject


Paul PowellPaul Powellregista

Production and Screenplay

Mary PickfordMary Pickfordproduttore
Frances MarionFrances Marionsceneggiatore
Paul PowellPaul Powellproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

jimmy bean
non accreditato
bambina (non accreditata)
Joan MarshJoan Marsh(età:6)
john pendleton
nancy thing, cameriera di polly
old tom, polly's handyman
pollyanna whittier
Mary PickfordMary Pickford(età:28)
zia polly harrington
reverendo john whittier
Wharton James(età:47)
dottor tom chilton
Herbert PriorHerbert Prior(età:53)
Doc Crane(età:74)

Technical staff

Charles RosherCharles Rosherdirettore della fotografia
Max Parkerscenografo