Database of cinema, music, history and literature

portrait in black (1960)

Original title: portrait in black
Production: USA|126 min|
Thriller, Dramatic, Noir


Michael GordonMichael Gordonregista

Production and Screenplay

Ivan Goffsceneggiatore
Ben Robertssceneggiatore
Ross Hunterproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Anthony QuinnAnthony Quinn(età:45)
Lloyd NolanLloyd Nolan(età:58)
Lana TurnerLana Turner(età:40)
Ray WalstonRay Walston(età:46)
Sandra DeeSandra Dee(età:18)
John SaxonJohn Saxon(età:25)
Virginia GreyVirginia Grey(età:43)
Anna May WongAnna May Wong(età:55)

Technical staff

Milton CarruthMilton Carruthmontatore
Frank SkinnerFrank Skinnermusiche
Buddy Peppermusiche
Russell MettyRussell Mettydirettore della fotografia
Inez Jamesmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1960)