Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Zorro by Proxy (1958)

Original title: zorro by proxy
30 min| black and white| tv series
Action, Dramatic, Comedy, Western
raquel, salvador and enrique get sgt. garcia to imprison don diego on charges he is zorro, in hopes that the real zorro will come to his rescue, and be caught. zorro must somehow escape from his jail cell.


Charles Bartonregista

Production and Screenplay

Bill Andersonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Michael PateMichael Pate(età:38)
Peter MamakosPeter Mamakos(età:40)
Henry CalvinHenry Calvin(età:40)
Suzanne LloydSuzanne Lloyd(età:24)
Gene SheldonGene Sheldon(età:50)
Jack LilleyJack Lilley(età:25)
Don DiamondDon Diamond(età:37)
Guy WilliamsGuy Williams(età:34)

Technical staff

Emile KuriEmile Kuriarredatore
Gordon Avildirettore della fotografia
Hal Gausmanarredatore
Pat Mcnalleytruccatore
William LavaWilliam Lavamusiche
Marvin Aubrey davisscenografo
Edward Sampsonmontatore