Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Primo amore (2004)

Original title: primo amore
Production: Italy|100 min
Dramatic, Psychological, Romantic
Poster of movie Primo amore
vittorio looks for a woman who matches his ideal. through an announcement he meets sonia, a sweet girl, nice, intelligent, but who weighs 57kg. too many. he, who works as a goldsmith, would like to shape his body and his mind like fire does with the gold of his jewels. she remains a prisoner of that amorous bond that is transformed, almost inadvertently, into a mutual game of massacre. in a turret surrounded by the green of the venetian hills two lovers isolate themselves progressively losing contact with reality and with the rest of the world.

Festivals and awards


Matteo GarroneMatteo Garroneregista

Production and Screenplay

Matteo GarroneMatteo Garronesceneggiatore
Matteo GarroneMatteo Garronescrittore
Massimo GaudiosoMassimo Gaudiososceneggiatore
Massimo GaudiosoMassimo Gaudiososcrittore
Domenico ProcacciDomenico Procacciproduttore
Vitaliano TrevisanVitaliano Trevisansceneggiatore
Vitaliano TrevisanVitaliano Trevisanscrittore
Laura Paolucciproduttore

Characters and Interpreters


Technical staff

Marco SpoletiniMarco Spoletinimontatore
Marco OnoratoMarco Onoratodirettore della fotografia
Francesca Leondeffcostumista
Paolo Bonfiniscenografo
Banda Osirismusiche
Rudia Cascionetruccatore