Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Primos (2011)

Original title: primos
Production: Spain
Poster of movie Primos
three cousins travel to the village where they spent summer vacations as kids.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Fernando Bovairaproduttore
Daniel Sánchez ArévaloDaniel Sánchez Arévalosceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Inma CuestaInma Cuesta(età:31)
Alicia Rubio(età:28)
Clara LagoClara Lago(età:21)
Núria Gago(età:31)

Technical staff

Karmele SolerKarmele Solertruccatore
Fernando Garcíacostumista
Juan Carlos gómezdirettore della fotografia
Satur Idarretascenografo
David Pinillosmontatore
Paco Rodríguez H.parrucchiere
Curru Garabalscenografo