Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Pursuit to Algiers (1945)

Original title: pursuit to algiers
Production: USA|65 min| black and white
Thriller, Action, Adventure
Poster of movie Pursuit to Algiers
holmes is recruited to escort the heir to a european throne safely back to his homeland after his father's assassination.
This movie is episode 12 of the series Sherlock Holmes composed by:

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Roy William NeillRoy William Neillproduttore
Leonard Leesceneggiatore
Howard Benedictproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Rex Evans(età:42)
Martin Kosleck(età:41)
Frederick WorlockFrederick Worlock(età:59)
(primo ministro)
Tom Dillon(età:50)
(proprietario del ristorante)
Morton LowryMorton Lowry(età:31)
Gerald Hamer
Sven Hugo Borg(età:49)
John Abbott (attore)(età:40)
Leslie Vincent(età:36)
(principe nikolas, noto anche come "nikolas watson")
Rosalind IvanRosalind Ivan(età:65)
(agatha dunham)
Marjorie Riordan(età:24)
(sheila woodbury)
Gregory Gaye(età:45)
Ashley Cowan(età:24)
George Leigh(età:35)
Olaf HyttenOlaf Hytten(età:57)
Wilson BengeWilson Benge(età:70)
Eric MayneEric Mayne(età:80)
Sayre DearingSayre Dearing(età:46)
Cap SomersCap Somers(età:52)
Curt Furburg(età:69)
Ernst Brengt(età:64)
James Craven(età:53)
John Dutra(età:20)
Sam Savitsky(età:64)
Alan Edmiston(età:56)

Technical staff

Paul Ivanodirettore della fotografia
Russell A.gausmanRussell A.gausmanscenografo
Russell A.gausmanRussell A.gausmanarredatore
Martin ObzinaMartin Obzinascenografo
Vera WestVera Westcostumista
Saul A. goodkindmontatore
Jack P. PierceJack P. Piercetruccatore
John B. GoodmanJohn B. Goodmanscenografo
ManRalph Sylosscenografo
ManRalph Sylosarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia ridoppiaggio(-2147483648)