Database of cinema, music, history and literature

pygmalion (1938)

Original title: pygmalion
Production: UK|96 min| black and white
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie pygmalion
a phonetics and diction expert makes a bet that he can teach a cockney flower girl to speak proper english and pass as a lady in high society.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Leslie HowardLeslie Howardregista
Anthony AsquithAnthony Asquithregista

Production and Screenplay

Leslie HowardLeslie Howardsceneggiatore
Ian Dalrymplesceneggiatore
Kay WalshKay Walshdialoghi
George Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shawsceneggiatore
Gabriel Pascalproduttore
Cecil Lewissceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Wilfrid Lawson
(Alfred Doolittle)
Wendy Hiller(età:26)
(Eliza Doolittle)
Scott Sunderland (attore)
(colonnello george pickering)
Esme Percy(età:51)
(conte aristid karpathy)
David TreeDavid Tree(età:23)
(freddy heynsford hill)
Everley GreggEverley Gregg(età:38)
(mrs. heynsford hill)
Marie Lohr
(mrs. higgins)
Jean Cadell
(mrs. pearce)
Leslie HowardLeslie Howard(età:45)
(professor henry higgins)
Leo GennLeo Genn(età:33)
Irene Browne(età:42)
Ivor Barnard(età:51)
Wally PatchWally Patch(età:50)
George MozartGeorge Mozart(età:74)
Viola Tree(età:54)
Moyna MacGill(età:43)
Eileen Beldon(età:37)

Technical staff

David LeanDavid Leanmontatore
John Bryanscenografo
Arthur HoneggerArthur Honeggermusiche
Harry Stradling sr.Harry Stradling sr.direttore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia ridoppiaggio(1982)