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Away from All What? (1978)

Original title: away from all what?
Production: UK|30 min| tv series
the tripps are invited to stay at a cornish hotel owned by their friends, mr. nicholls points out that customers have already made reservations, and vicky's idea to fake illness delivers very little in the way of sympathy.


Production and Screenplay

Peter Frazer-jonesproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Tony BrittonTony Britton(età:54)
David KellyDavid Kelly(età:49)
Linda HaydenLinda Hayden(età:25)
Roy Herrick(età:42)
Tessa WyattTessa Wyatt(età:30)

Technical staff

John Woodscenografo
Sue Blacktruccatore
Frank van Raaycostumista