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The Dirty Dozen: Next Mission [filmTV] (1985)

Original title: the dirty dozen: next mission
Production: USA|95 min| tv movie
Action, War
Poster of movie The Dirty Dozen: Next Mission [filmTV]
during ww2, american general worden orders major reisman to pick 12 soldiers from the military prison for the dangerous mission of killing a nazi general.
This movie is episode 2 of the series dirty dozen composed by:

Historical episodes of setting


Production and Screenplay

Michael Kanesceneggiatore
Nunnally JohnsonNunnally Johnsonsceneggiatore
Lukas Hellersceneggiatore
Frederick Mullerproduttore
Harry r. Shermanproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Sam Douglas(età:28)
Bruce Boa(età:55)
Paul HerzbergPaul Herzberg
Jeff Harding
Crispin Denys
Larry WilcoxLarry Wilcox(età:38)
(tommy wells)
Lee MarvinLee Marvin(età:61)
(maggiore john reisman)
Richard JaeckelRichard Jaeckel(età:59)
(sergente clyde bowren)
Sonny LandhamSonny Landham(età:44)
(sam sixkiller)
Ernest BorgnineErnest Borgnine(età:68)
(generale worden)
Ken WahlKen Wahl(età:31)
(louis valentine)
Wolf KahlerWolf Kahler(età:45)
(generale sepp dietrich)
Gavan O'HerlihyGavan O'Herlihy(età:34)
(conrad e. perkins)
Ricco RossRicco Ross(età:25)
(arlen dregors)
Stephen Hattersley
(otto deutsch)
Rolf SaxonRolf Saxon(età:30)
(robert e. wright)
Jay Benedict
(didier le clair)
Russell Sommers
(gary rosen)
John Malcolm(età:49)
(maresciallo di campo meisterlein)
Denis Holmes(età:64)
(generale pierre fontaine)
Alan Barry
(generale bulldog bardsley)
Don Fellows(età:63)
(generale trent tucker)
Derek Lyons(età:27)

Technical staff

Richard Harveymusiche
Alan Strachanmontatore
Betsy Heimanncostumista
Robin Tarsnanearredatore
Jane Royletruccatore
John Stanierdirettore della fotografia
Stevie Hallparrucchiere
William Alexanderscenografo