Database of cinema, music, history and literature

quest for camelot (1998)

Original title: quest for camelot
Production: USA|86 min
Animation, Comedy, Action, Dramatic
Poster of movie quest for camelot
an adventurous girl, a young blind hermit, and a goofy two-headed dragon race to find the lost sword excalibur to save king arthur and camelot from disaster.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

David Seidlersceneggiatore
William Schifrinsceneggiatore
Jacqueline Feathersceneggiatore
Kirk De miccosceneggiatore
Zahra Dowlatabadiproduttore
Andre Clavelproduttore
Dalisa Cohenproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Mago Merlino
re Artu
Devon e Cornelius
sir lionel
kayley da bambina
garret (dialoghi)
garret (canto)
juliana (dialoghi)
juliana (canto)
kayley (dialoghi)
kayley (canto)
garrett (dialoghi)
garrett (canto)
re artù (dialoghi)
re artù (canto)
additional voices
becco d'ascia

Technical staff

Patrick DoylePatrick Doylemusiche
David FosterDavid Fostermusiche
Julie Hughescasting
Barry Mosscasting
Steve Pilcherscenografo
Stanford C. allenmontatore
Jay Ferraraparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1998)

Gigi ProiettiGigi Proietti Voice of Devon e Cornelius
Sandro TuminelliSandro Tuminelli Voice of Mago Merlino
Massimo LodoloMassimo Lodolo Voice of Grifone
Manuela CenciarelliManuela Cenciarelli Voice of kayley (dialoghi)
Massimo CorvoMassimo Corvo Voice of Ruber
Massimiliano AltoMassimiliano Alto Voice of garret (dialoghi)
Francesco PrandoFrancesco Prando Voice of re Artu
Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of sir lionel
Roberta GregantiRoberta Greganti Voice of juliana (dialoghi)
Claudio Basili Voice of garret (canto)
Veronica PuccioVeronica Puccio Voice of kayley da bambina
Renata FuscoRenata Fusco Voice of kayley (canto)
Fabrizio VidaleFabrizio Vidale Voice of becco d'ascia
Marjorie BiondoMarjorie Biondo Voice of juliana (canto)

Version Originale(1998)

Gary OldmanGary Oldman Voice of Ruber
Bryan White Voice of garrett (canto)
Jessalyn GilsigJessalyn Gilsig Voice of kayley (dialoghi)
Gabriel ByrneGabriel Byrne Voice of sir lionel
Steve Perry Voice of re artù (canto)
Jane SeymourJane Seymour Voice of juliana (dialoghi)
Eric IdleEric Idle Voice of Devon
Andrea CorrAndrea Corr Voice of kayley (canto)
Frank WelkerFrank Welker Voice of ayden
Bronson PinchotBronson Pinchot Voice of Grifone
Celine DionCeline Dion Voice of juliana (canto)
Don RicklesDon Rickles Voice of Cornelius
Cary ElwesCary Elwes Voice of garrett (dialoghi)
Sarah FreemanSarah Freeman Voice of kayley da bambina
Jaleel WhiteJaleel White Voice of becco d'ascia
Pierce BrosnanPierce Brosnan Voice of re artù (dialoghi)