Database of cinema, music, history and literature

racer and the jailbird (2017)

Original title: le fidèle
Production: Belgium, France|130 min
Dramatic, Romantic, Crime
Poster of movie racer and the jailbird
set against the background of a brutal crime gang in brussels, a tragic love story between gigi, a high-flying gangster, and bibi, a young racing driver with very upper-class roots.


Production and Screenplay

Thomas Bidegainsceneggiatore
Michaël R. roskamsceneggiatore
Noé Debrésceneggiatore
Philippe Logieproduttore
Peter Bouckaertproduttore
Maarten Swartproduttore
Xavier Rombautproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Sam Louwyck
(direttore del carcere)
Fabien Magry
(eric lejeune)
Matthias SchoenaertsMatthias Schoenaerts(età:40)
(gino "gigi" vanoirbeek)
Adèle ExarchopoulosAdèle Exarchopoulos(età:24)
(bénédicte "bibi" delhany)
Eric De Staercke
(freddy delhany)
Jean-Benoit UgeuxJean-Benoit Ugeux(età:42)
(serge flamand)
Nabil Missoumi
(younes bouhkris)
Thomas Coumans
(bernard "nardo" delhany)
Kerem Can
Serge Riaboukine(età:60)
Gianni La Rocca
(mike sorel)

Technical staff

Aurélie ElichAurélie Elichtruccatore
Nicolas Karakatsanisdirettore della fotografia
Alain Dessauvagemontatore
Mariël Hoevenaarsparrucchiere
Raf Keunenmusiche
Michaël Biercasting
Geert Paredisscenografo
Marie Messientruccatore
Erik Hillenbrinktruccatore
Rob Hillenbrinktruccatore
Kristin Van passelcostumista
Valérie Tomasitruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2017)