Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Rally 'Round the Flagg, Boys (1979)

Original title: rally 'round the flagg, boys
Production: USA|24 min| tv series
Comedy, Dramatic, War
a patient accuses hawkeye of being a communist sympathizer when he operates on a korean soldier ahead of an american. as a result, colonel flagg attempts to recruit winchester to spy on hawkeye.


Harry MorganHarry Morganregista

Production and Screenplay

Mitch Markowitzscrittore
Burt MetcalfeBurt Metcalfeproduttore
Stanford TischlerStanford Tischlerproduttore
Larry Balmagiascrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Alan AldaAlan Alda(età:43)
Gary BurghoffGary Burghoff(età:36)
Loretta SwitLoretta Swit(età:42)
Mike FarrellMike Farrell(età:40)
Jamie FarrJamie Farr(età:45)
Edward Winter(età:42)
Harry MorganHarry Morgan(età:64)
Bob Okazaki(età:77)
Roy GoldmanRoy Goldman(età:47)

Technical staff

Sam Christensencasting
Joyce Robinsoncasting
David M. Haberscenografo
Stanford TischlerStanford Tischlermontatore
Dominic Palmieridirettore della fotografia
Larry l. Millsmontatore
Bert Allenarredatore

Voices and Dubbing