Database of cinema, music, history and literature

raising cain (1992)

Original title: raising cain
Production: USA|92 min
Thriller, Horror, Dramatic
Poster of movie raising cain
the oncologist wife of a prominent child psychologist suspects her husband has an unhealthy scientific obsession with their child, unaware of what - or who - is really going on inside his head.

Festivals and awards


Brian De PalmaBrian De Palmaregista

Production and Screenplay

Gale Anne HurdGale Anne Hurdproduttore
Brian De PalmaBrian De Palmasceneggiatore
Brian De PalmaBrian De Palmascrittore
Michael R. joyceproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

John LithgowJohn Lithgow(età:47)
(carter/cain/dr. nix/josh/margo)
Lolita DavidovichLolita Davidovich(età:31)
Steven BauerSteven Bauer(età:36)
(jack dante)
Frances SternhagenFrances Sternhagen(età:62)
(dr.ssa lynn waldheim)
Gregg HenryGregg Henry(età:40)
(ten. terri)
Tom BowerTom Bower(età:54)
(serg. cully)
Gabrielle CarterisGabrielle Carteris(età:31)
(babysitter ))
Karen Kahn(età:35)
Mel Harris(età:35)
Barton Heyman(età:55)
Teri Austin(età:35)

Technical staff

Pino DonaggioPino Donaggiomusiche
Robert DalvaRobert Dalvamontatore
Paul HirschPaul Hirschmontatore
Bobbie Readcostumista
Doug Kranerscenografo
Robbie KnottRobbie Knotteffetti speciali
Barbara Muncharredatore
Pam Dixoncasting
Stephen H. burumdirettore della fotografia
Bonnie Koehlermontatore
Emanuel Millarparrucchiere
Thomas Floutztruccatore
Mark Billermanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1992)