Database of cinema, music, history and literature

rampage (1987)

Original title: rampage
Production: USA|97 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Psychological
Poster of movie rampage
liberal district attorney decides to seek the death penalty for a man who slaughtered a family at christmastime, then drank their blood. he escapes, though, and starts killing again.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


Production and Screenplay

William FriedkinWilliam Friedkinproduttore
William FriedkinWilliam Friedkinsceneggiatore
David Salvenproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Tony Fraser, procuratore
Michael BiehnMichael Biehn(età:31)
serial killer
giudice McKinsey
Joseph Whipp(età:46)
Alex Mcarthur(età:30)
Donald Hotton(età:54)
Roy London(età:44)
Art LafleurArt Lafleur(età:44)
John Harkins(età:55)
Andy RomanoAndy Romano(età:46)

Technical staff

Ennio MorriconeEnnio Morriconemusiche
Jere Hugginsmontatore
Rick Montgomerycasting
Nancy Nyearredatore
Carol Clementsscenografo
Buddy Conescenografo
Robert YeomanRobert Yeomandirettore della fotografia
Vera Yurtchuktruccatore
Teresa m. Austintruccatore
Steven Frankparrucchiere