Database of cinema, music, history and literature

rang de basanti (2006)

Original title: rang de basanti
157 min
Poster of movie rang de basanti
the story of six young indians who assist an english woman to film a documentary on the extremist freedom fighters from their past, and the events that lead them to relive the long-forgotten saga of freedom.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

David Reidproduttore esecutivo
Adam Bohlingproduttore esecutivo
Rakeysh Omprakash MehraRakeysh Omprakash Mehrasceneggiatore
Renzil D'Silvasceneggiatore
Prasoon Joshisceneggiatore
Prasoon Joshidialoghi
Ronnie Screwvalaproduttore
Ram Mirchandaniproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

daljeet 'dj' / chandrashekhar azad
karan r. singhania / bhagat singh
sukhi / rajguru
aslam / ashfaqullah khan
laxman pandey / ramprasad bismil
Om PuriOm Puri(età:56)
Anupam KherAnupam Kher(età:51)
Mohan Agashe(età:59)
Aamir KhanAamir Khan(età:41)
Soha Ali khanSoha Ali khan(età:28)
Sharman Joshi(età:27)
Kunal KapoorKunal Kapoor(età:31)
Atul Kulkarni(età:41)
Kiron Kher(età:54)

Technical staff

Arjun Bhasincostumista
Fae Hammondtruccatore
Samir Chandascenografo
Prasoon Joshimusiche
Binod Pradhandirettore della fotografia
P. S. Bharathimontatore
Elaine Graingercasting
Serina Texieratruccatore