Database of cinema, music, history and literature

reckless (1984)

Original title: reckless
Production: USA|90 min|
Dramatic, Romantic


James FoleyJames Foleyregista
Steve Barronregista
Norman Renéregista

Production and Screenplay

Chris ColumbusChris Columbussceneggiatore
Scott RudinScott Rudinproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Aidan QuinnAidan Quinn(età:25)
(johnny rourke)
Daryl HannahDaryl Hannah(età:24)
(tracey prescott)
Kenneth McmillanKenneth Mcmillan(età:52)
(john rourke sr)
Cliff De young(età:39)
(phil barton)
Lois SmithLois Smith(età:54)
(mrs. prescott)
Adam BaldwinAdam Baldwin(età:22)
(randy daniels)
Dan HedayaDan Hedaya(età:44)
(peter daniels)
Billy Jayne(età:15)
(david prescott (accreditato come billy jacoby))
Toni Kalem(età:34)
Jennifer GreyJennifer Grey(età:24)
(cathy bennario)
Haviland Morris(età:25)
(mary pat sykes)
Pamela SpringsteenPamela Springsteen(età:22)
(karen sybern)
Susan Kingsley(età:38)
Adam LeFevreAdam LeFevre(età:34)
(ufficiale haskell)
Charles R. Cronin(età:51)
(mr. johnson)
Tom Timcho
(gus ulensky)
Cliff DeyoungCliff Deyoung(età:39)
Scott GlennScott Glenn(età:43)
Debra MonkDebra Monk(età:35)

Technical staff

Thomas NewmanThomas Newmanmusiche

Voices and Dubbing