Database of cinema, music, history and literature

red dawn (2012)

Original title: red dawn
Production: USA|93 min
Poster of movie red dawn
The same story is the basis of the movies:

Festivals and awards


Dan Bradleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Carl Ellsworthsceneggiatore
Jeremy Passmoresceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

jed eckert
toni walsh
robert kitner
matt eckert
Josh PeckJosh Peck(età:26)
erica martin
Isabel LucasIsabel Lucas(età:27)
sergente maggiore andy tanner
daryl jenkins
danny jackson
Edwin HodgeEdwin Hodge(età:27)
Kenneth ChoiKenneth Choi(età:41)
Matt GeraldMatt Gerald(età:42)
Alyssa DiazAlyssa Diaz(età:27)
tom eckert
Brett CullenBrett Cullen(età:56)
sindaco jenkins
Michael BeachMichael Beach(età:49)
capitano lo
Will Yun LeeWill Yun Lee(età:41)
tenente pak

Technical staff

Brian TylerBrian Tylermusiche
Dominic Watkinsscenografo
Ramin DjawadiRamin Djawadimusiche
Amundsen Mitchelldirettore della fotografia
Catherine Georgecostumista
Jayne Laubetruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2012)

Music tracks of the soundtrack