Database of cinema, music, history and literature

red dawn (2012)

Original title: red dawn
93 min
Poster of movie red dawn

Festivals and awards


Dan Bradleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Carl Ellsworthsceneggiatore
Jeremy Passmoresceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

jed eckert
toni walsh
robert kitner
matt eckert
erica martin
sergente maggiore andy tanner
daryl jenkins
danny jackson
tom eckert
sindaco jenkins
capitano lo
tenente pak
Michael BeachMichael Beach(età:49)
Brett CullenBrett Cullen(età:56)
Edwin HodgeEdwin Hodge(età:27)
Matt GeraldMatt Gerald(età:42)
Will Yun LeeWill Yun Lee(età:41)
Josh PeckJosh Peck(età:26)
Kenneth ChoiKenneth Choi(età:41)
Isabel LucasIsabel Lucas(età:27)
Alyssa DiazAlyssa Diaz(età:27)

Technical staff

Brian TylerBrian Tylermusiche
Dominic Watkinsscenografo
Ramin DjawadiRamin Djawadimusiche
Amundsen Mitchelldirettore della fotografia
Catherine Georgecostumista
Jayne Laubetruccatore

Voices and Dubbing