Database of cinema, music, history and literature

red planet (2000)

Original title: red planet
Production: Australia, USA|106 min
Science fiction, Action, Adventure
Poster of movie red planet
future: the earth is now a dying planet and the only possibility is to move to mars. the first expedition on patrol will face numerous dangers, not always coming from the ostle environment but also from the same instruments on which the astronauts relied.


Anthony Hoffmanregista
Antony Hoffmanregista

Production and Screenplay

Chuck PfarrerChuck Pfarrersceneggiatore
Channing Gibsonsceneggiatore
Jonathan Lemkinsceneggiatore
Mark Cantonproduttore
Bruce Bermanproduttore
George Saraleguiproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Val KilmerVal Kilmer(età:41)
(robby gallagher)
Carrie-Anne MossCarrie-Anne Moss(età:33)
(com. kate bowman)
Benjamin BrattBenjamin Bratt(età:37)
(ten. ted santen)
Tom SizemoreTom Sizemore(età:39)
(dr. quinn burchenal)
Simon BakerSimon Baker(età:31)
(chip pettengill)
Terence StampTerence Stamp(età:62)
(dr. bud chantilas)

Technical staff

Graeme RevellGraeme Revellmusiche
Peter SuschitzkyPeter Suschitzkydirettore della fotografia
Kym Barrettcostumista
Owen Patersonscenografo
Robert K. lambertmontatore
Dallas Puettmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)

Cristina BoraschiCristina Boraschi Voice of Computer