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reinder games (2000)

Original title: reindeer games
Production: USA|104 min|
Thriller, Dramatic, Action
rudy and gabriel are prison companions. gabriel has a wonderful correspondence with ashley. in a brawl gabriel is killed. when he comes out of jail, rudy pretends to be gabriel in order to conquer ashley. unfortunately ashley's brother had made a robbery with gabriel but did not know him because they were masked, and he wanted rudy, thinking that it was gabriel, telling him where he hid the loot.


Production and Screenplay

Bob WeinsteinBob Weinsteinproduttore
Ehren KrugerEhren Krugersceneggiatore
Chris Mooreproduttore
Marty Katzproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

James FrainJames Frain(età:32)
Ben AffleckBen Affleck(età:28)
(Rudy Duncan)
Charlize TheronCharlize Theron(età:25)
Danny TrejoDanny Trejo(età:56)
Gary SiniseGary Sinise(età:45)
Donal LogueDonal Logue(età:34)
Isaac HayesIsaac Hayes(età:58)
Dennis FarinaDennis Farina(età:56)
(jack bangs)
Ashton KutcherAshton Kutcher(età:22)
(ragazzo del college)
Enuka OkumaEnuka Okuma(età:24)

Technical staff

Alan SilvestriAlan Silvestrimusiche
Antony Gibbsmontatore
Michael KahnMichael Kahnmontatore
Bruce Nicholsoneffetti speciali
Alan Casodirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)