Database of cinema, music, history and literature

remake (1987)

Original title: remake
Production: Italy|109 min|
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
at the locarno festival silvia and alberto meet after years. she had always been in love with him. now alberto is a critic and silvia a journalist. a life of hers, which she recalls in her mind as the flashback of a film.


Production and Screenplay

Ansano Giannarellisceneggiatore
Edoardo SanguinetiEdoardo Sanguinetisceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Roberto AccorneroRoberto Accornero(età:30)
(critico cinematografico)
Morando MorandiniMorando Morandini(età:63)
(Morando Morandini)
Sandra MiloSandra Milo(età:54)
Paola OnofriPaola Onofri(età:25)
Marina VladyMarina Vlady(età:50)
Mario GarribaMario Garriba(età:43)
Silli Togni(età:35)

Technical staff

Lucio DallaLucio Dallamusiche
Ansano Giannarellimontatore
Fabio Ferrantimontatore
Fernando Ciangoladirettore della fotografia