Database of cinema, music, history and literature

3 simpatiche carogne (1977)

Original title: rené la canne
Production: France, UK, Italy|97 min
Comedy, Dramatic, War
Poster of movie 3 simpatiche carogne
rene and marchand are best friends. what makes their friendship special is that rene is a professional thief, and marchand is a policeman, albeit somewhat corrupt.


Francis Girodregista

Production and Screenplay

Francis Girodscrittore
Jacques Rouffiosceneggiatore
Jacques Rouffioscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Evelyne Bouix(età:24)
Jean CarmetJean Carmet(età:57)
Jean Rigaux(età:68)

Technical staff

Ennio MorriconeEnnio Morriconemusiche
Aldo TontiAldo Tontidirettore della fotografia
Nilo Jacoponitruccatore
Corinne Jorrycostumista
Jacques Fonteraycostumista
Giancarlo Marintruccatore
Jean-jacques Caziotscenografo
Philippe Turlurearredatore
Antoine Garabediantruccatore
Eva Zoramontatore