Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Repetitioner (2004)

Original title: repetitioner
101 min
Poster of movie Repetitioner
the theatre 7:3 project was conducted at the tidaholm prison 1998-1999. what started as an artistic experiment, ended up in police killings at malexander. the process in the prison were filmed during 6 months.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Mats Nilssonsceneggiatore
Mats Nilssonscrittore
Lars Norénsceneggiatore
Lars Norénscrittore
Tony Olssonscrittore
Carl Thunbergscrittore
Christer Nilsonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Lars Norén(età:60)

Technical staff

Gunnar Källströmdirettore della fotografia