Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Requiem (2006)

Original title: requiem
93 min
Poster of movie Requiem
an epileptic girl suffers a breakdown during her first year at university, then decides to seek help from a priest in battling the troubles associated with her strict upbringing.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Trestin Georgeproduttore
Bernd Langesceneggiatore
Ulrike Putzproduttore
Bettina Reitzproduttore
Sabine Holtgreveproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

helga klingler
gerhard landauer (esorcista)
stefan weiser
hanna imhof
michaela klingler
karl klingler
marianne klingler
martin borchert (esorcista)
professor schneider
heimleiterin krämer
Eva LöbauEva Löbau(età:34)
Jens Harzer(età:34)
Imogen Kogge(età:49)
Anna Blomeier(età:28)

Technical staff

Bogumil Godfrejowdirettore della fotografia
Eva Stieblerscenografo
Bettina Marxcostumista
Monika Münnichtruccatore
Nadine Schränklertruccatore
Bernd Schlegelmontatore
Simone BärSimone Bärcasting
Nadine Schränklertruccatore

Voices and Dubbing