Database of cinema, music, history and literature

reticolati (1927)

Original title: barbed wire
Production: USA|67 min| |
Dramatic, War, Romantic


Mauritz Stillerregista
Rowland V. LeeRowland V. Leeregista

Production and Screenplay

Jules Furthmansceneggiatore
Rowland V. LeeRowland V. Leesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

mona moreau
Pola NegriPola Negri(età:33)
oskar muller
Clive BrookClive Brook(età:40)
jean moreau
andré moreau
Einar HansonEinar Hanson(età:28)
Clyde CookClyde Cook(età:36)
pierre corlet
colonnello duval
Charles LaneCharles Lane(età:22)
sergente caron

Technical staff

Bert GlennonBert Glennondirettore della fotografia
Travis BantonTravis Bantoncostumista
E. Lloyd sheldonmontatore