Database of cinema, music, history and literature

return to house on haunted hill (2007)

Original title: return to house on haunted hill
Production: USA|79 min
Horror, Thriller, Mystery
Poster of movie return to house on haunted hill
eight years after the millionaire mr. price rented hill house for a macabre birthday party, a team of researchers dares to come in, looking for a precious statue, a satanic idol who is believed to possess demonic powers.
This movie is episode 2 of the series house on haunted hill composed by:


Víctor Garcíaregista

Production and Screenplay

Joel SilverJoel Silverproduttore esecutivo
Charles V.benderproduttore
Steve Richardsproduttore
Roee Sharonproduttore
Ethan Erwinproduttore
Adam Kuhnproduttore
Erik Olsenproduttore
Jonathan Tzachorproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Gil KolirinGil Kolirin(età:32)
Tom RileyTom Riley(età:26)
Steven PaceySteven Pacey(età:50)
dr. vannacutt
Jeffrey CombsJeffrey Combs(età:53)
ariel wolfe
male beach goer
Charles VennCharles Venn(età:34)

Technical staff

Mariana Loveparrucchiere
Yana StoyanovaYana Stoyanovatruccatore
Valentin Valovtruccatore
Kes Bonnetscenografo
ManIvan Ranghelovarredatore
Arjen Tuitentruccatore
Maria Stankovichparrucchiere
Lorenzo Senatoredirettore della fotografia
Robert Malinamontatore
Simon Webbertruccatore
Jose Mora-pereztruccatore
Daniela Avramovaparrucchiere
José M. menesestruccatore
Juan Serranotruccatore
Angel Manovarredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2007)

Music tracks of the soundtrack