Database of cinema, music, history and literature

ritorno all'isola che non c'è (2002)

Original title: return to never land
Production: Australia, Canada, USA|72 min
Action, Animation, Fantasy
This movie is episode 2 of the series peter pan composed by:

Origin of the subject


Robin Buddregista
Donovan Cookregista

Production and Screenplay

Temple Mathewssceneggiatore
Carter Crockersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

jane, wendy giovane
Peter Pan
capitan Uncino
spugna, pirati
Wendy Darling
i gemelli
wendy darling (giovane)
wendy darling (adulta)

Technical staff

Joel Mcneelymusiche
Anthony F. roccomontatore
Alex Nicholasscenografo
John Flansburghmusiche
John Linnellmusiche
Nick Pillscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2002)

Massimo CorvoMassimo Corvo Voice of pirati
Letizia CiampaLetizia Ciampa Voice of wendy darling (giovane)
Alex PolidoriAlex Polidori Voice of Danny
Carlo RealiCarlo Reali Voice of capitan Uncino
Saverio IndrioSaverio Indrio Voice of Edward
Enzo GarineiEnzo Garinei Voice of Spugna

Version Originale(2002)

Quinn Beswick Voice of svicolo
Roger Rees Voice of Edward
Blayne WeaverBlayne Weaver Voice of Peter Pan
Aaron SpannAaron Spann Voice of i gemelli
Spencer BreslinSpencer Breslin Voice of orsetto
Corey BurtonCorey Burton Voice of capitan Uncino
Bradley PierceBradley Pierce Voice of leporello
Andrew Mcdonough Voice of Danny
Harriet Owen Voice of jane, wendy giovane