Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Return to Two Moon Junction (1995)

Original title: return to two moon junction
Production: USA|96 min
Dramatic, Romantic, Erotic
Poster of movie Return to Two Moon Junction
This movie is episode 2 of the series two moon junction composed by:


Farhad Mannregista

Production and Screenplay

Zalman Kingproduttore
Zalman Kingsceneggiatore
Dyanne Asimowsceneggiatore
Dyanne Asimowscrittore
Macgregor Douglassceneggiatore
Mel Pearlproduttore
Don Levinproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Melinda ClarkeMelinda Clarke(età:26)
(savannah delongpre)
John Clayton schafer
(jake gilbert)
Louise FletcherLouise Fletcher(età:61)
(belle delongpre)
Yorgo Constantine
(robert lee)
Molly ShannonMolly Shannon(età:31)
Montrose Hagins(età:71)
Richard Keats(età:31)
James T. CallahanJames T. Callahan(età:65)
David Dunard
Matt FrewerMatt Frewer(età:37)
Seana Ryan(età:30)

Technical staff

Frank Byersdirettore della fotografia
Joseph Conlanmusiche
Michael Perryscenografo
Vicki Huffcasting
Judy Crownparrucchiere
Dianne O.parrucchiere
Dara Waxmanarredatore