ricreazione - la scuola è finita (2001)
Original title: recess: school's out
Production: USA|83 min| |
Action, Animation
Chuck Sheetz: regista
Characters and Interpreters
t.j. detweiler
andrew lawrence
vince lasalle
mickey blumberg
gretchen grundler
gus griswald
ashley spinelli
ashley armbruster
ashley quinlin
ashley boulet
ashley tumossian
miss grotkey
miss finster
preside prickly
peter macnicol
preside prickley

Technical staff
Nancy Frazen: montatore
Denis M. hannigan: musiche
Voices and Dubbing
Version Italia(2001)

Version Originale(2001)

Rachel Crane Voice of ashley quinlin
Courtland Mead Voice of gus griswald
Rickey D'shon collins Voice of vince lasalle

Francesca Smith Voice of ashley boulet
Pamela Segall Voice of ashley spinelli

Anndi Mcaffe Voice of ashley armbruster