Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Ordinary People (2009)

Original title: rien de personnel
Poster of movie The Ordinary People

Festivals and awards


Mathias Gokalpregista

Production and Screenplay

Mathias Gokalpsceneggiatore
Mathias Gokalpdialoghi
Nadine Lamarisceneggiatore
Nadine Lamaridialoghi
Fabrice Goldsteinproduttore
Antoine Reinproduttore
Antoine Gandaubertproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Richard Frank(età:56)
Bouli LannersBouli Lanners(età:44)

Technical staff

Milou Sannerparrucchiere
Claire Lacazecostumista
Nathalie Tabareautruccatore
Kadija Leclerecasting