Database of cinema, music, history and literature

riscatto (1953)

Original title: riscatto
Production: Italy|90 min|
in prison a thief knows and becomes friends with a young man sentenced to ten years for a double murder which he declares to be a stranger: the death of the landlady and her husband, owners of a hotel where he was a guest together with his girlfriend. the thief, deeply troubled, confessed to the prison chaplain that he had murdered the two and acted drunk. for the young, it is freedom.


Marino GirolamiMarino Girolamiregista
Enio GirolamiEnio Girolamiaiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Gino Desantissceneggiatore
Ennio FlajanoEnnio Flajanosceneggiatore
Tullio PinelliTullio Pinellisceneggiatore
Gino De santissceneggiatore
Giuseppe De santissceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Folco LulliFolco Lulli(età:41)
Rizieri Chiari
Piero LulliPiero Lulli(età:30)
Franca MarziFranca Marzi(età:27)
Roberto Biasetti
Lauro GazzoloLauro Gazzolo(età:53)
cappellano don Giulietti
Amedeo TrilliAmedeo Trilli(età:47)
Enzo MaggioEnzo Maggio(età:51)

Technical staff

Adalberto AlbertiniAdalberto Albertinidirettore della fotografia
Nino RotaNino Rotamusiche
Franco FraticelliFranco Fraticellimontatore
ManAlberto Bocciantiscenografo
ManRiccardo Domeniciscenografo
Silvano Scarpellinidirettore di produzione