Database of cinema, music, history and literature

rko 281 (1999)

Original title: rko 281
Production: USA|83 min|
Comedy, Historical
Poster of movie rko 281
reconstruction of the realization of orson welles' cinematographic masterpiece: 'quarto potere', with tycoon william randolph hearts who tried to boycott the exit. the film was saved by welles himself with an appeal to freedom of opinion among rko shareholders. the film was screened for the first time in new york on may 1, 1941.

Festivals and awards


Benjamin RossBenjamin Rossregista

Production and Screenplay

Ridley ScottRidley Scottproduttore
Thomas LennonThomas Lennonsceneggiatore
Richard Ben cramersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Melanie GriffithMelanie Griffith(età:42)
(Marion Davis)
John MalkovichJohn Malkovich(età:46)
(herman j. mankiewicz)
Liev SchreiberLiev Schreiber(età:32)
(Orson Welles)
James CromwellJames Cromwell(età:59)
(William Randolph Hearts)
John MalkovichJohn Malkovich(età:46)
(Herman Mankiewicz)
Roy ScheiderRoy Scheider(età:67)
(George Schaefer)
Brenda BlethynBrenda Blethyn(età:53)
(Louella Parson)
Simeon Andrews
(john houseman)
Liam CunninghamLiam Cunningham(età:38)
(gregg toland)
Roger AllamRoger Allam(età:46)
(walt disney)
Tim WoodwardTim Woodward(età:46)
(jack warner)

Technical staff

John Altmanmusiche
Mike Southondirettore della fotografia
Maria Djurkovicscenografo
Stewart Meachemcostumista
Alex Mackiemontatore
Su Armstrongscenografo