Database of cinema, music, history and literature

road to singapore (1940)

Original title: the road to singapore
Production: USA|84 min| black and white|
Comedy, Romantic


Production and Screenplay

ManFrank Butlersceneggiatore
Don Hartmamsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Bob Hope
Bob HopeBob Hope(età:37)
Bing Crosby
Bing CrosbyBing Crosby(età:37)
charles coburn
judith barrett
anthony quinn
Anthony QuinnAnthony Quinn(età:25)
jerry colonna
Jerry ColonnaJerry Colonna(età:36)
monte blue
Monte BlueMonte Blue(età:53)

Technical staff

Victor YoungVictor Youngmusiche
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Hans DreierHans Dreierscenografo
Paul Weatherwaxmontatore
Robert Odellscenografo
William C. MellorWilliam C. Mellordirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1940)