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eddy e la banda del sole luminoso (1991)

Original title: rock-a-doodle
Production: Irlanda|77 min|
Action, Animation, Comedy


Don BluthDon Bluthregista
Dan Kuensterregista

Production and Screenplay

David N. Weisssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

chanticleer / re
gran gufo
patou / narratore
chanticleer / re (voce)
chanticleer / re (canto)
goldie (canto)
Phil Harris(età:87)
Stan IvarStan Ivar(età:48)
Glen Campbell(età:55)

Technical staff

Robert Folkmusiche
Fiona Traylermontatore
Dan Molinamontatore
Lisa Dorneymontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1991)

Michele GamminoMichele Gammino Voice of chanticleer / re (voce)
Rossana CasaleRossana Casale Voice of goldie (canto)
Marco MeteMarco Mete Voice of spillo
Bobby SoloBobby Solo Voice of chanticleer / re (canto)
Vittorio StagniVittorio Stagni Voice of strazio
Dario PenneDario Penne Voice of gran gufo
Francesco PannofinoFrancesco Pannofino Voice of Pinky
Sandro SardoneSandro Sardone Voice of patou / narratore

Version Originale(1991)

Sorrell BookeSorrell Booke Voice of Pinky
Sandy DuncanSandy Duncan Voice of piperita
Christian HoffChristian Hoff Voice of Scott
Eddie DeezenEddie Deezen Voice of spillo
Toby Scott ganger Voice of Eddy
Jason MarinJason Marin Voice of Mark
Will RyanWill Ryan Voice of strazio
Ellen GreeneEllen Greene Voice of goldie