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rocky balboa (2006)

Original title: rocky balboa
Production: USA|102 min
Dramatic, Sports
Poster of movie rocky balboa
This movie is episode 6 of the series rocky composed by:


Production and Screenplay

Sylvester StalloneSylvester Stallonesceneggiatore
Irwin Winklerproduttore
David Winklerproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Rocky Balboa
paulie pennino
Burt YoungBurt Young(età:66)
mason dixon
robert balboa jr.
tony evers
Tony BurtonTony Burton(età:69)
l. c. luco
A. J. benzaA. J. benza(età:44)
l.c. luco
Talia ShireTalia Shire(età:61)
Tony Devon(età:55)

Technical staff

Bill ContiBill Contimusiche
Sean AlbertsonSean Albertsonmontatore
J. Clark mathisdirettore della fotografia
Matthew W. mungletruccatore
Scott H. eddotruccatore
Carlton Colemantruccatore
Gretchen Patchcostumista
Nicole Venablestruccatore
Rich Knighttruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2006)

Alessandro TiberiAlessandro Tiberi Voice of steps
Claudio SorrentinoClaudio Sorrentino Voice of l.c. luco

Music tracks of the soundtrack