Database of cinema, music, history and literature

rules of engagement (2000)

Original title: rules of engagement
Production: USA|128 min|
Thriller, Dramatic, Action
Poster of movie rules of engagement
a rescue operation conducted by us military in yemen ends in tragedy. political tensions bring colonel terry childers to court for his defense attorney and he chooses an old friend of his who is now just a failed lawyer.


Production and Screenplay

William FriedkinWilliam Friedkinsceneggiatore
James R.webbproduttore esecutivo
Scott RudinScott Rudinproduttore
Adam Schroederproduttore esecutivo
Richard D.zanuckRichard D.zanuckproduttore
Stephen Gaghansceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Tommy Lee JonesTommy Lee Jones(età:54)
(col. hayes "hodge" hodges)
Samuel L. JacksonSamuel L. Jackson(età:52)
(col. terry l. childers)
Guy PearceGuy Pearce(età:33)
(maggiore mark biggs)
Ben KingsleyBen Kingsley(età:57)
(ambasciatore mourain)
Bruce GreenwoodBruce Greenwood(età:44)
(bill sokal)
Anne ArcherAnne Archer(età:53)
(mrs. mourain)
Blair UnderwoodBlair Underwood(età:36)
(capitano lee)
Philip Baker HallPhilip Baker Hall(età:69)
(gen. hayes lawrence hodges)
Dale DyeDale Dye(età:56)
(magg. gen. perry)
(dr. ahmar)
Mark FeuersteinMark Feuerstein(età:29)
(tom chandler)
Richard McGonagleRichard McGonagle(età:54)
(giudice col. e. warner)
Baoan Coleman
(col. binh le cao)
Nicky KattNicky Katt(età:30)
(hayes lawrence hodges iii)
Kevin Cooney(età:55)
(generale 4 stelle)
sarah hodges
capitano hustings
justin mourain
Ryan HurstRyan Hurst(età:24)
Ciaran HindsCiaran Hinds(età:47)

Technical staff

Dale DyeDale Dyealtro
Mark IshamMark Ishammusiche
Augie Hessmontatore
Gloria Greshamcostumista
Nicola Pecorinidirettore della fotografia
William A. FrakerWilliam A. Frakerdirettore della fotografia
Robert W. Laingscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2000)

Stefano De SandoStefano De Sando Voice of capitano hustings
Pinella DraganiPinella Dragani Voice of sarah hodges
Luciano De AmbrosisLuciano De Ambrosis Voice of wyatt
Alessio WardAlessio Ward Voice of justin mourain