Database of cinema, music, history and literature

saint-cyr (2000)

Original title: saint-cyr
Production: Belgium, France, Germany, USA|119 min
Dramatic, Romantic, Storico
Poster of movie saint-cyr
madame de maintenon rises from humble beginnings to become a courtesan to the royal court and eventually marries king louis xiv. with the king's indulgence, maintenon opens a special school for girls.

Festivals and awards


Patricia Mazuyregista

Production and Screenplay

Diana Elbaumproduttore
Denis Freydproduttore
Patricia Mazuysceneggiatore
Yves Thomassceneggiatore
Helga Bährproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

madame de maintenon
louis xiv
the abbot
Nani Noël(età:74)
Nina MeurisseNina Meurisse(età:12)
Fien Troch(età:22)
Morgane Moré(età:16)

Technical staff

John CaleJohn Calemusiche
Thomas MauchThomas Mauchdirettore della fotografia
Thierry Francoisscenografo
Thi Thanh tu nguyentruccatore
Edith Vesperinicostumista
Annick Legouttruccatore
Ludo Trochmontatore
Veronique Meleryscenografo
Veronique Meleryarredatore
Patrick Hellacasting
Frédéric Zaidparrucchiere
Gerda Diddenscasting
Fabienne Bressanparrucchiere