Database of cinema, music, history and literature

salomès last dance (1988)

Original title: salome's last dance
Production: UK|87 min|
Comedy, Grotesque


Ken Russellregista

Production and Screenplay

Ken Russellsceneggiatore
Vivian Russellsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Glenda JacksonGlenda Jackson(età:52)
(erodiade / lady alice)
Glenda JacksonGlenda Jackson(età:52)
Stratford Johns
(erode / alfred taylor)
Douglas HodgeDouglas Hodge(età:28)
(giovanni battista / lord alfred 'bosey' douglas)
Douglas HodgeDouglas Hodge(età:28)
(Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas)
Imogen Millais-scott
(salomè / rose)
Denis LillDenis Lill(età:46)
(tigellino / chilvers)
Ken Russell(età:61)
(cappadociano / kenneth (come alfred russell))
Ken Russell(età:61)
David DoyleDavid Doyle(età:59)
(a. nubin)

Technical staff

Harvey Harrisondirettore della fotografia
Timothy Geemontatore