Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Samba (2014)

Original title: samba
118 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie Samba
senegalese samba has worked 10 years in france. he's arrested and befriends the woman helping him with legal matters as volunteer after a burnout at work. he's released after being told to leave france.

Festivals and awards


Éric ToledanoÉric Toledanoregista
Olivier NakacheOlivier Nakacheregista

Production and Screenplay

Sy OmarSy Omarproduttore
Éric ToledanoÉric Toledanosceneggiatore
Éric ToledanoÉric Toledanodialoghi
Olivier NakacheOlivier Nakachesceneggiatore
Olivier NakacheOlivier Nakachedialoghi
Delphine CoulinDelphine Coulinsceneggiatore
Muriel Coulinsceneggiatore
Laurent Zeitounproduttore
Yann Zenouproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Liya KebedeLiya Kebede(età:36)
samba cissé
Sy OmarSy Omar(età:36)
wilson (walid)
Tahar RahimTahar Rahim(età:33)
Izïa HigelinIzïa Higelin(età:24)
lamouna, lo zio di samba

Technical staff

Stephane Fontainedirettore della fotografia
Avril Carpentiertruccatore
Tibor Doraarredatore
Thi Thanh tu nguyentruccatore
Catherine Ichoutruccatore
Isabelle Pannetiercostumista
Linda Schwachparrucchiere
Gigi Akokacasting
Gérald Portenartparrucchiere
Cédric Henryscenografo
Alice Roberttruccatore
Margo Blacheparrucchiere
Emmanuel Pitoistruccatore
Véronique Boumazatruccatore
Lola Maillardtruccatore