Database of cinema, music, history and literature

santiago, the story of his new life (1989)

Original title: lo que lo pasò a santiago
105 min
Poster of movie santiago, the story of his new life
santiago, a retired accountant, casually meets angelina during one of his daily walks in old san juan. they soon become friends, even though she refuses to give out any personal information.

Festivals and awards


Jacobo Moralesregista

Production and Screenplay

Jacobo Moralessceneggiatore
Jacobo Moralesscrittore
Pedro Muñizproduttore
Blanca Silvia eróproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Tommy Muniz(età:67)
Jaime Bello(età:38)

Technical staff

Augustin Cubanodirettore della fotografia
Alfonso Borrellmontatore
Bonita Huffmanscenografo
Bonita Huffmanarredatore
Gloria Sáezcostumista