Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Satan Met a Lady (1936)

Original title: satan met a lady
Production: USA|74 min| black and white
Comedy, Thriller, Crime
Poster of movie Satan Met a Lady

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

Brown Holmessceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Leo WhiteLeo White(età:54)
(cameriere del servizio in camera)
Bette DavisBette Davis(età:28)
(valerie purvis)
Warren WilliamWarren William(età:42)
(ted shane)
Alison SkipworthAlison Skipworth(età:73)
(madame barabbas)
Arthur TreacherArthur Treacher(età:42)
(anthony travers)
Marie WilsonMarie Wilson(età:20)
(miss murgatroyd)
Winifred Shaw
(astrid ames)
Porter HallPorter Hall(età:48)
(milton ames)
Olin HowlandOlin Howland(età:50)
(detective dunhill)
Charles C. Wilson(età:42)
(detective pollock)
Joe King(età:53)
Wini ShawWini Shaw(età:29)
Edward Mcwade(età:71)
May Beatty(età:56)
Sol GorssSol Gorss(età:28)
Frank DarienFrank Darien(età:60)
Cliff Saum(età:54)
Eddie Shubert(età:38)
Jack Wise(età:48)
John Elliott(età:60)
Sam Appel(età:65)
Don Downen(età:22)
Huey White(età:39)
Raymond Brown(età:62)

Technical staff

Heinz RoemheldHeinz Roemheldmusiche
Arthur EdesonArthur Edesondirettore della fotografia
Warren Lowmontatore
Max Parkerscenografo
Bernhard Kaunmusiche
Eugene JoseffEugene Joseffcostumista