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Save the Last Dance (2001)

Original title: save the last dance
Production: USA|112 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Save the Last Dance
sara, a white girl from the provinces of the petty bourgeoisie, dreams of becoming a ballet dancer. when his mother dies in a car accident, he abandons all hope and moves to the home of his father, a musician who lives on the south side of chicago. meet derek, black and undisputed king of the city's nightclubs, instead dances to the rhythm of hip-hop music. the two come from diametrically opposed worlds and cultures, but the common passion for dancing will create love between them and force them to deal with racial differences and resistance from family and friends.


Thomas Carterregista

Production and Screenplay

David Maddenproduttore
Robert W.cortproduttore
Douglas Curtisproduttore
Marie Cantinproduttore
Duane Adlersceneggiatore
Duane Adlerscrittore
Cheryl Edwardssceneggiatore
Scarlett Laceyproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Erica HubbardErica Hubbard(età:22)
Julia StilesJulia Stiles(età:20)
Mr. Campbell
Tab Baker(età:42)
Terry KinneyTerry Kinney(età:47)
Fredro StarrFredro Starr(età:31)
Bianca LawsonBianca Lawson(età:22)
Elisabeth Oas(età:25)
mamma dean
insegnante di balletto
Slim KhezriSlim Khezri(età:29)
Artel Great(età:20)

Technical staff

Mark IshamMark Ishammusiche
Peter E.bergermontatore
Robbie Greenbergdirettore della fotografia
Avy KaufmanAvy Kaufmancasting
Paul Eadsscenografo
Sandra Hernandezcostumista
Michael Mcquarnmusiche
Marsha Shearrilltruccatore
Claudia Mosertruccatore
Peter E. bergermontatore
Tricia Schneiderarredatore
Jeff Canavanmontatore
Lun Yé Hodgesparrucchiere
Cheryl Pickenbackparrucchiere
Anne Scheeleytruccatore
Eadra Brownparrucchiere
Diane Hughesscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)

Music tracks of the soundtrack