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A Ditch in Time (1984)

Original title: a ditch in time
Production: USA| tv series
Comedy, Dramatic
diane warns sam not to go out with a friend she met at the mental hospital because she has obsessive issues with men. but sam doesn't heed the warning, and puts himself in a situation that he's afraid to get out of.


James BurrowsJames Burrowsregista

Production and Screenplay

James BurrowsJames Burrowsproduttore esecutivo
Sam Simonproduttore
Ken Steinproduttore
Ken Steinscrittore
Glen Charlesproduttore esecutivo
Les Charlesproduttore esecutivo
Tim Berryproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

George WendtGeorge Wendt(età:36)
Carol KaneCarol Kane(età:32)
Shelley LongShelley Long(età:35)
Ted DansonTed Danson(età:37)
Rhea PerlmanRhea Perlman(età:36)
David Wiley(età:55)
Larry Harpel(età:34)

Technical staff

Craig SafanCraig Safanmusiche
Herman F. zimmermanHerman F. zimmermanscenografo
ManBruce Hutchinsontruccatore
Lynne Albrightarredatore
John Fingerdirettore della fotografia
M. pam Blumenthalmontatore
Lori Opendencasting