Database of cinema, music, history and literature

se ci sei batti due colpi (1946)

Original title: the time of their lives
Production: USA|82 min| |


Charles Bartonregista

Production and Screenplay

John Grantsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

cuthbert greenway / dottor ralph greenway
Bud AbbottBud Abbott(età:51)
horatio prim
Lou CostelloLou Costello(età:40)
melody allen
mildred dean
Binnie BarnesBinnie Barnes(età:43)
sheldon gage
John SheltonJohn Shelton(età:31)
june prescott (accreditata come lynne baggett)
Lynn Baggett(età:23)
thomas danbury
Jess Barker(età:34)
nora o'leary (accreditata come anne gillis)
Ann GillisAnn Gillis(età:19)
tenente mason
sergente conners
maj. putnam (accreditato come robert h. barrat)
Robert BarratRobert Barrat(età:57)
sergente makepeace
Rex LeaseRex Lease(età:43)
guardia al museo
bill, guardia al museo
lord thomas danbury
Myron HealeyMyron Healey(età:23)

Technical staff

Milton Rosenmusiche
Charles Van engerdirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1946)

Giorgio CapecchiGiorgio Capecchi Voice of lord thomas danbury
Gualtiero De AngelisGualtiero De Angelis Voice of Sheldon