Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Second Hand Wife (1933)

Original title: second hand wife
70 min| black and white
Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie Second Hand Wife

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

ManHamilton MacFaddensceneggiatore
Lynn Starlingscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Ralph BellamyRalph Bellamy(età:29)
Helen VinsonHelen Vinson(età:26)
Victor JoryVictor Jory(età:31)
Nella WalkerNella Walker(età:47)
Sally EilersSally Eilers(età:25)
Clay ClementClay Clement(età:45)
Esther HowardEsther Howard(età:41)
Effie Ellsler(età:78)
Ara Haswell(età:35)

Technical staff

Hugo FriedhoferHugo Friedhofermusiche
Charles G. ClarkeCharles G. Clarkedirettore della fotografia
Paul Crawleyscenografo
Jack Gainscasting