Database of cinema, music, history and literature

see spot run (2001)

Original title: see spot run
Production: USA|96 min
poor gordon is a particularly unfortunate postman who every day has some misadventure with the dogs of the neighborhood where he works. it is to him, one day, to make friends by force, for a series of comic circumstances, with a terrible but very nice police dog.


John Whitesellregista

Production and Screenplay

George Gallosceneggiatore
Robert Simondsproduttore
Tracey Trenchproduttore
Andrew Deaneproduttore
Gregory Poiriersceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

David ArquetteDavid Arquette(età:30)
Leslie BibbLeslie Bibb(età:27)
Angus T. jonesAngus T. jones(età:8)
Michael Clarke DuncanMichael Clarke Duncan(età:44)
Steve SchirripaSteve Schirripa(età:44)
Anthony AndersonAnthony Anderson(età:31)
Joe ViterelliJoe Viterelli(età:64)
Paul SorvinoPaul Sorvino(età:62)
(sonny talia)
sonny tali
Darcy LaurieDarcy Laurie(età:35)
Kavan SmithKavan Smith(età:31)
Fulvio CecereFulvio Cecere(età:41)
Peter BryantPeter Bryant(età:42)
Kim HawthorneKim Hawthorne(età:33)

Technical staff

John S.bartleydirettore della fotografia
John DebneyJohn Debneymusiche
Cara Silvermanmontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2001)

Paolo LombardiPaolo Lombardi Voice of sonny tali