Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Beta Delta Gamma (1961)

Original title: beta delta gamma
Production: USA|30 min| black and white| tv series
Comedy, Horror, Dramatic, Thriller
a college fraternity drugs and makes up one of their members to look as if he is dead, then lead another unsuspecting member into believing he killed him.


Production and Screenplay

Norman LloydNorman Lloydproduttore
Joan HarrisonJoan Harrisonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Severn DardenSevern Darden(età:32)
Joel Crothers(età:20)

Technical staff

ManEdward W.williamsmontatore
WomanJulia Heronarredatore
Martin ObzinaMartin Obzinascenografo
Jack BarronJack Barrontruccatore
John L. russelldirettore della fotografia
ManJohn Mccarthy jr.arredatore
Florence BushFlorence Bushparrucchiere