Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Man Who Came to Dinner (1954)

Original title: the man who came to dinner
60 min| black and white| tv series

Origin of the subject


David Alexanderregista

Production and Screenplay

Roland Alexandersceneggiatore
Martin Manulisproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Buster KeatonBuster Keaton(età:59)
Merle OberonMerle Oberon(età:43)
Monty Woolley(età:66)
Zasu PittsZasu Pitts(età:56)
Joan BennettJoan Bennett(età:44)
Bert Lahr(età:59)
Clarke Gordon(età:36)
Sylvia Field(età:53)

Technical staff

David Broekmanmusiche
George Jenkinsscenografo
Mildred Treborcostumista
Ted Ralpharredatore