Database of cinema, music, history and literature

Stage Door (1955)

Original title: stage door
60 min| black and white| tv series

Origin of the subject


Sidney LumetSidney Lumetregista

Production and Screenplay

Gore VidalGore Vidalsceneggiatore
Felix Jacksonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jack WestonJack Weston(età:31)
Nita TalbotNita Talbot(età:25)
Dennis MorganDennis Morgan(età:47)
Victor MooreVictor Moore(età:79)
Don KeeferDon Keefer(età:39)
Diana LynnDiana Lynn(età:29)
Charles DrakeCharles Drake(età:38)
Betty FurnessBetty Furness(età:39)
David WhiteDavid White(età:39)
Treva Frazee(età:32)