Database of cinema, music, history and literature

A Little Touch of Harry (2004)

Original title: a little touch of harry
| tv series|

Production and Screenplay

Chris Chibnallproduttore
Chris Chibnallscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Bill PatersonBill Paterson(età:59)
James BolamJames Bolam(età:69)
Peter GunnPeter Gunn(età:41)
Clive SwiftClive Swift(età:68)
Donald GeeDonald Gee(età:67)
Ron Webster(età:61)
Maggie SteedMaggie Steed(età:58)
Ross LittleRoss Little(età:14)
Jenna RussellJenna Russell(età:37)
Tracey Childs(età:41)
Shirley White(età:81)

Technical staff

Tabitha Dickinsonscenografo